SoulFinder – an historic soul finding hike and experience
We offer to take you to 2 sacred and historic areas, both dating back at least 460.000 years. The soul searcher will immediately feel the mystical energy.
The Woolly Mammoth –
This hike is amazing, and takes you on the same route as our Trail of Wild Garlic archeological finds dating back to our Neanderthal ancestors shows that people from all periods of history came to this spot for worship.
The Woolly Mammoth is a huge rock that resembles a woolly mammoth. Evidence points to the possibility that our prehistoric ancestors actually worshipped the Woolly Mammoth, and at the same time, evidence shows that it was possibly used as a “Spear Target”
It is not in-common to see modern day spiritualist “camping” here and going back to basics, while on a soul searching mission.
Williams Church
Williams Church also dates back to Prehistoric times, it’s a massive natural rock overhang. Roman artifacts have also been found here.
In the early Medieval times Williams Church was used for both Spiritual and Religious purposes, and this becomes very clear from the about 25 large crosses hacked into the rock, and other large areas carved out of the rock.
Williams Church is off the beaten track, and others stunning views.. It’s also on our Ode to the Neanderthal trail